
I Tried To Break Zapier’s AI Zap Creator


Using AI To Create A Zap


Upon diving into Zapier’s AI-powered Zap builder, I was skeptical about its ability to create zaps, let alone complex-multi-step zaps. However, I was pleasantly surprised by its resilience and flexibility. From the outset, it was clear that Zapier had invested significant time and effort into creating a game-changing AI automation feature.


1. How Does Creating A Zap with AI Work?

It’s surprisingly simple actually (as good AI should be). In natural language, you enter instructions in the ‘when this happens, do that’ format. Hit the generate button, and Zapier will create all of the steps that you have asked for. 

2. How I Tried To Break It


Being a long-time Zapier user, I couldn’t really believe that what they were suggesting was possible.


So, I set out to break it by progressively making my requests longer and longer.


I started with a basic request.


when there is a new jotform submission, search in clearbit

All good. It created the zap steps easily. Then I added to it:


when there is a new jotform submission, search in clearbit, create an airtable record

Still no problem. Produced a good result, so I added more:


when there is a new jotform submission, search in clearbit, create an airtable record, add a tag activecampaign

Here’s where it stumbled a bit. For some reason, it created an Infusionsoft step instead of an ActiveCampaign step. I generated it again, and it came out correct. Finally I added one more step:


when there is a new jotform submission, search in clearbit, create an airtable record, add a tag activecampaign, and send a slack message

And this is how it turned out:

create a zap with AI

3. The Review


While I did encounter a few glitches here and there, they were minor and easily resolved. The fact that the generator could handle a good amount of pressure without major issues was impressive.


That said, how it would cope with multiple paths, or more complex zaps remains to be seen. 


It’s an awesome time-saving tool, and especially good for people new to Zapier.


Sure, it can’t build every element of a zap, but it definitely provides a strong start.