Remote work isn’t quite the buzz term it used to be. With flexible work conditions becoming more common across all kinds of industries, our ideas of a ‘day at the office’ are changing rapidly, incorporating technological advances and greater desires for work-life integration into new solutions for all kinds of workers.
A 2018 study by Zug found that 70% of professionals around the world are working remotely for at least one day a week, with 53% working remotely for more than half the week. These kind of work arrangements are a far cry from the 9-5 in a crowded cubicle we used to believe was standard – but with such changes in work dynamics, new solutions are needed. When you can’t pop your head in to your colleague’s office with a quick question, there’s got to be a way to replace collaboration in an online environment.
Enter a whole suite of automation tools. There’s a plethora of powerful and intuitive apps that can make teamwork across regions and timezones happen without a hitch. These include…
- Slack. I’ve mentioned it before, but when it comes to remote work, Slack goes to the top of the list. Easy communication, intuitive search functionality, voice and video call capabilities, and API integration. It’s a winner for a reason.
- Google Drive. Yes, there’s fancier ways to manage your files – but Google Drive is robust, easily accessible, intuitive, and a standard for a reason. Centralizing shared files is crucial to ensuring remote workloads can be carried without interruption. Keep your files in one place with shared access and remove the risk of a team member working from outdated sources or being unable to access core information when it’s needed.=
- Todoist or Wunderlist. Assign tasks to yourself or other team members in a split second. Both apps offer versatile functionality embedded in the simplicity of a to-do list. Set up shared lists with your team and save a flurry of wasted emails every time a task needs to be assigned.
- Mindmeister. Creative brainstorming has been freed from the world of physical whiteboards. Problem-solve with your team through Mindmeister’s powerful mind mapping tools, complete with easy collaboration capacities. Harness the power of your work force’s energy and creative juices from laptops spread around the world without missing a beat.
For some, the idea of remote teams can feel daunting. For others, the freedom remote work brings with it can result in happier, healthier and creative employees and collaborators.
Set your team up to work towards shared goals and common successes, no matter which time zone they’re reporting in from. My guess is you’ll notice the difference – and it’ll be a positive one.