
Can You Automate LinkedIn?

I love social media as an educational and lead generation tool. LinkedIn isn’t at the top of my list, because of the complexity of the platform, and the manual time that it takes to get really good at selling on LinkedIn.


That said, a lot of people have found huge success through leveraging LinkedIn, and there’s a growing trend towards automating LinkedIn sales.


There are a lot of options and platforms now for automating the sales process on LinkedIn, but in terms of pure automation, one stands out as a simple, but functionally flexible tool for putting LinkedIn on autopilot.


Before we go into too much detail on that, there is a big consideration around LinkedIn automation. LinkedIn expressly forbids automating on their platform. There are stories of being put in ‘LinkedIn jail’ for breaking the rules (i.e. a temporary suspension), or even accounts being closed.


However, if you’re ready to weigh up the risk against the benefit, read on.


Phantombuster is a no-code automation tool, and their selling point is that the platform can ‘Automate any action you can do on the web’. 


This could be something as simple as automatically following a list of Twitter profiles, getting a list of users from a Facebook group, right through to extracting videos from a TikTok user account.


And then there’s the LinkedIn automations, which they call ‘phantoms’.


At the simple end of the spectrum, you have a phantom to auto-like a list of posts you provide. You can even combine it into a workflow, so Phantombuster searches for posts of specific criteria and feeds them into a list to auto-like. The theory behind this automation is by liking more posts, you’ll get noticed on LinkedIn.


To get around the LinkedIn watchers, Phantombuster recommends setting limits on how many requests you make per hour or day.


Moving on to a more complex automation, the platform makes it possible to scrape a list of LinkedIn profiles to extract the name, title, etc of the members, but using an additional extension it can also search for the professional email addresses of that list of people. 


This opens up a world of possibilities in terms of contacting those people outside of LinkedIn by email, or even just adding them to your CRM as leads.


So, if you’re keen to take the plunge into LinkedIn automation, you can get started just by installing a browser plugin and doing some quick configuration. Again, it’s not without risks, but if you’re willing to accept those, it might just save you precious hours, and find you some new leads for your business.