

building an airtable crm

Build a CRM in Airtable with Advanced Features & Automations

Building a CRM in Airtable can transform how you manage client relationships, offering a streamlined, flexible solution tailored to your unique business needs. Discover how Agility Automation has harnessed Airtable’s powerful features and automations to create a highly customized CRM that simplifies processes, enhances communication, and drives efficiency. From automating follow-ups to integrating payment solutions, our approach ensures that every interaction is seamless and effective. Ready to elevate your CRM experience? Dive into our journey and learn how you can replicate this success for your own business!

zapier vs n8n vs make

Zapier vs Make vs n8n: An Honest Comparison for Business Automation

Are you looking for ways to improve your business processes with automation? Explore the pros and cons of three popular platforms: Zapier, Make, and n8n. Whether you want an easy solution for simple tasks, a versatile tool for complex workflows, or a customisable open-source choice, we explain what each platform provides. Find out how to select the right automation tool for your needs and budget, and unlock the potential for more efficiency in your operations. Jump in to find the best fit for your business automation!

airtable vs zapier automations

Airtable vs Zapier Automations – 8 Things You Need To Know

How do the automation features of Airtable and Zapier stack up against each other?   If you had asked me two years, or even one year ago whether Airtable automations were something to think seriously about using in your business automation stack, I would’ve given a firm no. But now, if you’re using Airtable, my …

Airtable vs Zapier Automations – 8 Things You Need To Know Read More »

activecampaign automation

5 Powerful ActiveCampaign Automations For Small Business

We’ve put together a top five list of the MVP ActiveCampaign automations that you can use in your small business.   If you haven’t come across it yet, ActiveCampaign is a marketing and customer experience platform with some serious automation power. Even if you’re already using it, there might be some features you’re not taking …

5 Powerful ActiveCampaign Automations For Small Business Read More »